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Introduction to Employability Skills

To be a successful worker you will need both technical or “hard” skills and employability or “soft” skills.  To understand the difference between the two skill types let’s take a look at what we’re talking about.

Technical skills are skills that you learn in order to do a job. These skills are specific to your job and help you develop an expertise in your area of study, such as, welding, electrical, accounting, surgical, computer programming, etc. All areas of employment teach different skills that are essential for the different jobs.

Employability Skills, on the other hand, are the key skills and personal traits you need to enter, function and thrive in the world of work.  These skills are transferable to any job and can be useful in any area of work that you choose. You take these skills with you from one work situation to another, just like a tradesperson carries their toolbox. These skills include: teamwork, communication, time management, dependability, and more. These skills are not just useful for you to succeed in the workforce, they are necessary and will prepare you for employment and future learning.  As author Peggy Klaus said, “Soft Skills get little respect but they will make or break your career.”



The Scenario:

Imagine this conversation with your employer.

“I’m sorry, John, but we’re going to have to let you go,” the contractor says to you once you’ve entered his office.

“But why?” you ask. “I’m one of the best electricians you have!” 

“That’s true,” your boss replies. “But the fact of the matter is, you’re just not dependable. You show up late too often, and a couple times you didn’t even call until just before your shift started to let me know that you weren’t going to make it in. During team huddles, you either don’t contribute anything, or you criticize other people’s suggestions and ideas. And, when we needed to adjust the schedules when Joe was out because of his surgery, everyone else was flexible and willing to pick up the slack  … everyone but you. You’re right, you are a very good electrician . But we need more than just a skilled electrician. We need a team player.”

What would you do in this situation?
Select an answer below to learn more.

The correct answer is C.  By choosing this you are showing your willingness to learn from this course.  Learning more about employability skills will give you skills that will help you throughout your career.

The correct answer is C.  By choosing this you are showing your willingness to learn from this course.  Learning more about employability skills will give you skills that will help you throughout your career.

The correct answer is C.  By choosing this you are showing your willingness to learn from this course.  Learning more about employability skills will give you skills that will help you throughout your career.


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