Sealing or Unsealing a Case

Objective: Learn how to seal or unseal a case record.

Objective: Learn how to seal or unseal a case record.

Sealing a Case

Sealing or unsealing a case can be performed by Administrator users only.


Sealing a case makes it invisible to all users, except those who have special permission to view sealed records. Please note: this does not seal the client's full record, only a particular case. You can find instructions on sealing or unsealing a client's full record here. To proceed with sealing a particular case, follow the steps below.


  1. Navigate to the case you wish to seal.

  2. Click the overflow menu in the case toolbar (circled in red below). 


  3. When the menu opens, click Seal Case.


  4. You will be prompted to confirm that you do wish to seal the case. Click Seal Case to confirm.

Unsealing a Case


  1. The image below displays how a sealed case record will look. You can unseal the case by again clicking the overflow menu in the case toolbar.


  2. When the menu opens, click Unseal Case


  3. You will be prompted to confirm that you do wish to unseal the case. Click Unseal Case to confirm.