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Dependability and Professionalism

When someone doesn't show up for work, it can cause problems for everyone else. It might make the job harder for the people who are there, and make the project take longer to finish. That's why it's important to be dependable and professional. People who are professional understand that it's important to be on time and do their work well. When someone is dependable, it shows that they care about their job and the people they work with. This can help everyone’s work attitude and help make the project successful. But when people aren't dependable and don't show up for work, it can make everyone frustrated and make it hard to get things done.



The Scenario:

Let's say you work as a bricklayer on a big construction project. You and your team have a lot of work to do and you need to finish it quickly. One day, one of your team members is sick and doesn't come to work. This means the rest of the team has to work harder to make up for them and get the job done on time.

What would you do in this situation?
Select an answer below to learn more.

If you chose B, you understand that it's important to be dependable and do your job well, even when it's tough. This shows that you care about your work and the people you work with. It also helps keep the project on track, which is important for everyone involved.

You understand that it's important to be dependable and do your job well, even when it's tough. This shows that you care about your work and the people you work with. It also helps keep the project on track, which is important for everyone involved.

If you chose B, you understand that it's important to be dependable and do your job well, even when it's tough. This shows that you care about your work and the people you work with. It also helps keep the project on track, which is important for everyone involved.



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