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Appropriate Public Behavior and Professionalism

Professional personal conduct is how you act in public when you're representing your company and your trade. It's important to understand that your behavior can affect your reputation and the union's reputation. Just as you take pride in your work, you should take pride in how you behave in public. When you behave appropriately, you show that you're professional, dependable, and trustworthy. This helps build a positive image for you and the union.



The Scenario:

Picture yourself as an electrician on a job site and you and your co-workers go to a nearby restaurant for lunch. While you're there, one of your co-workers is rude to the servers. This behavior is not respectful and makes the whole team and your employer look bad.

What would you do in this situation?
Select an answer below to learn more.

If you chose B, you understand that being respectful and professional in public is important. It's not only essential to be well-behaved on the job site, but also in public. By kindly asking your coworker to stop being rude, you are being a positive example and helping to keep the union's reputation good.

You understand that being respectful and professional in public is important. It's not only essential to be well-behaved on the job site, but also in public. By kindly asking your coworker to stop being rude, you are being a positive example and helping to keep the union's reputation good.

If you chose B, you understand that being respectful and professional in public is important. It's not only essential to be well-behaved on the job site, but also in public. By kindly asking your coworker to stop being rude, you are being a positive example and helping to keep the union's reputation good.



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