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Productivity and Professionalism

Being a good worker is important for apprentices. This means doing your work well and on time, which means you are productive. This shows you are serious about your job. You also need to be professional. This means behaving properly and showing respect to others at work. By being a good worker and being professional, apprentices can be successful in their job.



The Scenario:

Let's say you're an electrician working on a big construction project. Your job is to install the lights in one of the rooms, and you have two days to do it. It's important to finish on time and do a good job.

If you work quickly and well, it shows that you are dependable and capable. It also helps you get along well with your coworkers if you act professionally, by being respectful and following safety rules.

To be productive, you need to use your time, resources, and energy to get things done. To be professional you need to act the right way in the workplace. If you do both of these things, you'll do well as an electrician.

But what if you run into a problem you can't solve?

What would you do in this situation?
Select an answer below to learn more.

If you ask an apprentice while he is still learning might, it might be too much responsibility that he may not be ready for. Therefore, the job may end up taking longer in the end. By speaking with your boss about the situation you show him that he can depend on you to find the best solution. You're acting professionally and dependably.

The correct answer is A) Call your boss and ask for help.  If you ask an apprentice while he is still learning might, it might be too much responsibility that he may not be ready for. Therefore, the job may end up taking longer in the end. By speaking with your boss about the situation you show him that he can depend on you to find the best solution. You're acting professionally and dependably.

The correct answer is A) Call your boss and ask for help.  If you ask an apprentice while he is still learning might, it might be too much responsibility that he may not be ready for. Therefore, the job may end up taking longer in the end. By speaking with your boss about the situation you show him that he can depend on you to find the best solution. You're acting professionally and dependably.



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