Have a good day, everyone. Remember to work safely today.



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Your Critical Role in Representing the Union

As a union member, it's important to remember that you represent not only yourself, but also the entire organization. This means that how you dress and present yourself on the job site can affect how others view the union and the skilled trades. When you arrive at a job site looking professional and well-groomed, it shows that you are a skilled and trustworthy worker. However, if you arrive looking sloppy or inappropriate, it can reflect badly on the union and the skilled trades as a whole. By making an effort to have a  professional appearance, you help to uphold the reputation of the union and set a good example for other members.



The Scenario:

While you are working as a sheet metal worker at a job site, some architects and engineers plan to come in to inspect the project's progress. These clients are important and can bring more business to the company and the union. As a union member, it's your responsibility to represent the union well. This includes not only doing good work but also looking your best.

What would you do in this situation?
Select an answer below to learn more.

The correct answer is C) Wear clean work clothes, closed-toe shoes, and the appropriate work gear. Wearing clean and neat work clothes and appropriate work gear shows that you take your work and the clients seriously. It also shows that you are representing the union in a positive way. Wearing dirty and torn clothes or over-dressing may not be appropriate for a job site and could send the wrong message to the clients.

The correct answer is C) Wear clean work clothes, closed-toe shoes, and the appropriate work gear. Wearing clean and neat work clothes and appropriate work gear shows that you take your work and the clients seriously. It also shows that you are representing the union in a positive way. Wearing dirty and torn clothes or over-dressing may not be appropriate for a job site and could send the wrong message to the clients.

The correct answer is C) Wear clean work clothes, closed-toe shoes, and the appropriate work gear. Wearing clean and neat work clothes and appropriate work gear shows that you take your work and the clients seriously. It also shows that you are representing the union in a positive way. Wearing dirty and torn clothes or over-dressing may not be appropriate for a job site and could send the wrong message to the clients.



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