Have a good day, everyone. Remember to work safely today.



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Representing the Contractor or Customer

As a member of a union, you have an important responsibility to maintain a good image of the union and the skilled trade industry when representing a contractor or customer. You are a representative for the union and your actions reflect on the union and industry as a whole. This means you need to act professionally by being polite, respectful, and following safety rules. When you behave in a professional manner, you are helping to build a positive image for the union and the contractor. This can give the union and the contractor an edge over the competition.



The Scenario:

Picture yourself as a union pipefitter working on a construction project for a contractor. You are at the job site and a customer walks up to you and asks you questions about the plumbing work being done. They want to know about the quality of the work and the materials and techniques being used.

What would you do in this situation?
Select an answer below to learn more.

You would be showing your responsibility as a union member to represent the contractor and the customer in a professional way. It's important to give correct and honest information to the customer, but also to respect any private or sensitive business information that should not be shared.

If you chose option A, you would be showing your responsibility as a union member to represent the contractor and the customer in a professional way. It's important to give correct and honest information to the customer, but also to respect any private or sensitive business information that should not be shared.

If you chose option A, you would be showing your responsibility as a union member to represent the contractor and the customer in a professional way. It's important to give correct and honest information to the customer, but also to respect any private or sensitive business information that should not be shared.



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