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Actions That Lower Productivity

Things that workers do wrong on the job site can make it harder to get work done and cause delays. These things might include:

  1. being late.

  2. not doing the work they were assigned.

  3. not following safety rules.

  4. using tools incorrectly.

  5. acting unprofessionally by arguing or being mean to others. 

These negative actions not only hurt productivity, but they also hurt the feelings of other workers and can make the work environment very difficult. All workers should try to do their best to help things run smoothly and keep a good attitude.



The Scenario:

You are working on a big building project and a coworker is always late, causing delays and making it harder for the team to finish the work on time. You feel upset and worried that the delay will affect your work and the quality of the project.

What would you do in this situation?
Select an answer below to learn more.

If you chose option A, you would have a private conversation with your coworker to explain the effect that their behavior has on the team, not just you. Option B is not the best choice since ignoring the problem won't solve it. Option C may also be a good choice if the coworker has been previously warned. Reporting the issue to your supervisor can help resolve the problem and improve productivity.

If you chose option A, you would have a private conversation with your coworker to explain the effect that their behavior has on the team, not just you. Option B is not the best choice since ignoring the problem won't solve it. Option C may also be a good choice if the coworker has been previously warned. Reporting the issue to your supervisor can help resolve the problem and improve productivity.

If you chose option A, you would have a private conversation with your coworker to explain the effect that their behavior has on the team, not just you. Option B is not the best choice since ignoring the problem won't solve it. Option C may also be a good choice if the coworker has been previously warned. Reporting the issue to your supervisor can help resolve the problem and improve productivity.



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