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Absenteeism and Wasted Dollars

When a skilled trade worker, like an electrician, doesn't show up for work as promised, it can make things harder for the contractor they work for. This might mean the contractor has to pay another worker more money to do the job instead. That can add up and hurt the contractor's profits. If the worker is absent a lot, it might take longer to finish the job and that can also cost the employer more money. That's why it's really important for new workers to understand why it's important to be dependable and show up to work on time. When you are dependable, you help the contractor save money, build a positive reputation for the Union, and show that you are professional and have a good work ethic. This can also help you do well in your career.



The Scenario:

Think about working on a big building project with a team of sheet metal workers. Your team's job is to put in air ducts and ventilation systems all over the building. You have a deadline to finish the project soon, but when you get to work, you see that one of your team members isn't there. You ask the person in charge and they say that the missing worker called in sick.

The worker who is absent was supposed to do a really important part of the air duct system, and without them, the rest of the team can't keep working. This means that the whole project will take longer to finish, and the company might lose money because they can't finish on time.

What would you do in this situation?
Select an answer below to learn more.

You understand why it's important to be dependable at work. By trying to come up with a solution to the problem, you can help your team get the job done and not lose any money. This shows that you are professional and care about the project and the company's success.

If you chose option A, you understand why it's important to be dependable at work. By trying to come up with a solution to the problem, you can help your team get the job done and not lose any money. This shows that you are professional and care about the project and the company's success.

If you chose option A, you understand why it's important to be dependable at work. By trying to come up with a solution to the problem, you can help your team get the job done and not lose any money. This shows that you are professional and care about the project and the company's success.



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