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Result of a Good Work Ethic

When a worker doesn't show up for his shift, it can be a problem. This is especially true for skilled workers. If a worker isn't there, it can make the job take longer and cost more money for the company. This can be bad for the company's profits and make it harder to do well in the industry. This can also affect the union that the worker belongs to, since the union's success depends on the success of its contractors.

That's why it's important for new workers to understand why it's necessary to have a good work ethic and show up to work on time. A work ethic is a person's own ideas about what's right and wrong to do at work. It's what they believe and how they act. When someone is dependable and professional, they can help the contractor they work for do well and stay competitive. This is good for everyone, including the worker, the union, and the contractor.



The Scenario:

Imagine that you work as a pipefitter on a construction site. You have a lot of work to do and a deadline to meet. Your foreman assigned you to work with another pipefitter, but that person often doesn't show up for work. On the day of the job, you arrive on time and ready to work, but your partner is missing. You wait for a while, but there's no sign of them.

What would you do in this situation?
Select an answer below to learn more.

If you chose B, then you understand that it's important to be dependable and professional. Being on time and doing your best to finish the work helps your employer stay ahead of the competition. If people don't show up to work, it can cost the employer money and slow down the project. By being responsible and professional, you can help make sure the work is finished on time and to a high standard.

You understand that it's important to be dependable and professional. Being on time and doing your best to finish the work helps your employer stay ahead of the competition. If people don't show up to work, it can cost the employer money and slow down the project. By being responsible and professional, you can help make sure the work is finished on time and to a high standard.

If you chose B, then you understand that it's important to be dependable and professional. Being on time and doing your best to finish the work helps your employer stay ahead of the competition. If people don't show up to work, it can cost the employer money and slow down the project. By being responsible and professional, you can help make sure the work is finished on time and to a high standard.



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